Backline, van & trailer service

All Areas

Your backline partner for unique concerts and tours

Just relax and lean back – we take care of all your events and artists. We are the professional partner for bands and event organisers worldwide. In addition to backline rental, we offer all-round services in the area of van and trailer rental as well as event technology. Our customers value our comprehensive expertise and our all-round services.

We have been active worldwide for 25 years, have proven ourselves in all challenges and have grown steadily. We can proudly say that we have never lost a show. The secret of our success? Preparation – we are experts in this area! Our carefully selected crew will accompany you with expertise and dedication. All Areas is more than a service provider – we are your reliable partner for music events, always ready to make your events a success.

Our comprehensive tour service includes tour bus hire and musical instrument rental. In addition, we offer professional tour support and provide experienced staff to ensure that your stage is perfectly equipped.

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